Say Hello To The Moon For Me .š–„” Ż Ė–

Luna De Sangre Newsletter Issue #2

Aprilā€™s Full Moon is hereā€¦

Also known as the ā€˜Pink Moonā€™, tonights Full Moon is the first to follow the Spring Equinox. Nicknamed the ā€˜Pink Moonā€™ because this moon always arrives around the same time our Spring flowers come into full bloomā€¦

Cheers to the Pink Moon!


My Newest Collection šœ—šœš āŠ¹ ą£Ŗ Ė–

I am so excited to present to you my final collection for the month of April! During production, I was heavily inspired by details found in bodies of water; the reflections and the subtle wavesā€¦ I was very much yearning to be by the sea while creating these new little treasures. I wanted this jewelry collection to look as if it floated up from the depths of the sea, from my hands to yours.

To fulfill this vision, I slowly gathered a mix of iridescent lilac & soft ivory pearls, clear crystal points, glass teardrops & any other reflective materials I could findā€¦

Next, it was production time! To fully capture the essence of the sea, I wanted this collection to flow like water ~ Many of these pieces quickly became very long and flowy, light & airyā€¦

Shop The Full Moon Sale ā˜ļø

See anything that resonates with you?

The shop is currently 20% off in celebration of the Full Moon!

Apply the code: FULLMOON at checkout to take 20% off of your entire order...

- Sale Ends: (4/26/2024) at Midnight (EST) - āœ§


Click on the center of the moon above to browse the online store! įƓā˜…

A Look Inside My Art Studioā€¦

When Iā€™m not designing jewelry & shipping out all of your lovely orders, you can usually find me on the other side of my jewelry studio! I set up this corner of my studio early last year with the intention of having a designated space to explore different mediums of art like watercolor, gouache & colored pencils! Iā€™ve been playing around with these mediums for over a year now and I can honestly say that having other forms of expression, outside of jewelry making, has been the most rewarding thing Iā€™ve done for myself.

Early last year, I was beginning to face burn out and I desperately needed to find my spark for creating once again - preferably something that wasnā€™t also my full time job. So, I set out to try every art medium that interested me at the time. First, I tried colored pencils, then alcohol markers, until finally I landed exactly where I needed to be, with watercolors & gouache! These two mediums have been perfect for me, setting up new palettes, hand mixing my own colors & the simple act of creating something on a blank paper that didnā€™t exist before is honestly so rewarding. At the moment, Iā€™m mainly focusing on painting botanicals but I hope to do so much more in the future! I recently signed up for a local in person watercolor painting class & I cannot wait. My first class starts this Thursday, wish me luck! ā™”

If youā€™re looking for new hobbies to take your mind off of work or everyday life, I highly, ~highly~ encourage you to explore watercoloring. The best part about watercolor is that you donā€™t need very much to begin! You just need paint, a few brushes, a mixing tray, cotton paper & water! Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] if you would like a full list of the supplies & the books I used to get started, I would be more than happy to share everything Iā€™ve learned so far!

Recent Reads šœ—šœš

ā€˜Green Angelā€™ by Alice Hoffman (My Rating: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…)

This novel was recently recommended to me by a friend on Twitter after I mentioned my love for Alice Hoffman novels. This book was a sorrowful, whimsical, fever dream, in the best of ways. We follow a young girl named ā€˜Greenā€™ who lives in a home on the very top of a hill with her beloved Sister, Mother & Father. She lives a wholesome life, tending the family garden, adoring her big sister, until one day, tragedy strikes and she loses everything. This book speaks on loss, grief and all of the work it takes to heal those deep wounds to finally love life again - & I loved every bit of it. Only 116 pages long, if you decide to pick up this book, I promise youā€™ll devour it in one session just as I did.

ā€˜A Wrinkle in Timeā€™ by Madeleine Lā€™engle (My Rating: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…)

I stumbled upon this little treasure while sifting through random items at a local flea market. I, once again, was taken in by the cover & just had to bring it home with me. ā€˜A Wrinkle in Timeā€™ was a world in itself. A fine mix between the sinister mood of ā€˜Coralineā€™ by Neil Gaiman & the science fiction elements of ā€˜Vita Nostraā€™ by Maryna Dyachenko. This book touches on complex subjects like metaphysics, astrophysics & philosophy, then explains them in the most digestible way. I donā€™t typically reach for this sort of novel (anything science fiction) but it was such a pleasure to discover that I could enjoy learning more about Einsteinā€™s theory of relativity while following the most engaging story line. In this novel, we follow a truly eccentric cast of characters; a young girl named Margaret, her younger brother Charles Wallace & peculiar characters like Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which. The plot begins with the two childrenā€™s dad being missing, the two of them are then promptly whisked away into new dimensions in the hopes of finding him. I loved the prose, the authors imagination and the overall research Lā€™engle had to divulge in to write a novel this complex and enthralling. I would recommend this novel to absolutely anyone, young & old.

ā€˜Before We Were Freeā€™ by Julia Alvarez (My Rating: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜†)

ā€˜Before We Were Freeā€™ is a historical fiction novel set in 1960ā€™s Dominican Republic during the reign of Dictator Rafael Trujillo. Our main character is Anita, a young girl clueless of the political uproar taking place in her country until she can no longer be hidden away from it. Many of her family members have slowly started to emigrate to America to escape the harsh political climate of their home country, first her cousins, aunts & uncles, then her brother, and finally her sister, until it is only her & her mother left. This story is reminiscent of Anne Frankā€™s, as Anita also keeps a diary and is later forced into hiding before she can escape the Dominican Republic. Although this is a work of fiction, the author herself is a Dominican American with family members who lived during this time. She took inspiration from all of their stories to create this emotional account of one countries resilience and their fight to freedom. I recommend this novel if you arenā€™t at all aware of the history of the Dominican Republic but I would suggest doing further research after reading this novel.


If you have any book reccomendations that you would like me to read & review in the month of May, please leave me a comment below! (The comment section is only available on the official website, if youā€™re reading this newsletter in your email, please click here to leave a comment.)

A Poem Just For You š“‚ƒ ą£ŖĖ– ą½ą½²ą½‹ą¾€

My gift to you this month is one of my favorite poems by the poetess Mary Oliver. This poem serves as a reminder for me to be still, stay in the present moment & abandon my worries,

I hope it serves you in a similar way. Enjoy! āš˜ 

ā€˜I Worriedā€™ by Mary Oliver

I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers

flow in the right direction, will the earth turn

as if it was taught, and if not how shall

I correct it?

Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,

can I do better?

Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows

can do it and I am, well,


Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,

am I going to get rheumatism,

lockjaw, dementia?

Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.

And gave it up. And took my old body

and went out into the morning,

and sang.

Paintings Iā€™m Currently Lovingā€¦ šŸš šŸƒ

ā€˜Galateaā€™ (1847) āœ§ Oil on Canvas by Charles Jalabert

ā€˜Ottoman Beauty With A Butterflyā€™ (1931) āœ§ Oil on Canvas by Harold H. Piffard

ā€˜Moonlight Sceneā€™ (1815-1845) āœ§ Oil on Panel by Pierre Jean Helleman

Before I Say Goodbyeā€¦

I want to leave you with one more gift, a quote from Dostoyevsky, may you always find solace in literature.


I exist. In thousands of agonies - I exist. Iā€™m tormented on the rack - but I exist! Though I sit alone in a pillar - I exist! I see the sun, I know itā€™s there. And thereā€™s a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.

Click here to log into the ā€˜Luna De Sangreā€™ Newsletter Archives to view past articles or share your thoughts with me on any of ~your~ Spring recommendations, Iā€™d love to hear from youā€¦

Until the next full moon,

- LDS ā¦


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